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数据中心是智能中心的基础,而超融合数据中心和可靠的联接网络可以更高效地存储和传输大量数据。华为超融合数据中心及数据中心联接解决方案包括OceanStor全场景融合存储、CloudFabric3.0超融合数据中心网络解决方案和DCOptiX2.0全光数据中心解决方案。华为数据通信产品线总裁胡克文表示:“数据是21世纪的石油。升级超融合数据中心方案,帮助客户释放数据潜能,打造强大的智能中枢,为企业智能化升级注入新动能。” 华为数据存储与机器视觉产品线总裁周跃峰表示,华为OceanStorDorado全闪存采用业界唯一的全互联架构,帮助客户建立绿色节能的全闪存储数据中心。Huawei OceanStorPacific新一代数据湖存储提供4096个节点,并帮助客户释放高性能数据分析等海量非结构化数据。


Huawei's DC OptiX2.0 solution has been successfully applied to Converge, an ISP customer in the Philippines, according to Converge CTO Ronald Brusola. "Through our cooperation with Huawei, we have learned about Huawei's leadership position in the field of data center interconnect. With Huawei's DC OptiX2.0 solution, we are confident in ensuring Converge's success in the IDC field and providing enterprises in the Philippine market with the services they truly deserve."

Intelligent connection is the backbone of intelligent entities, enabling the connection between intelligent centralization and intelligent interaction. In order to meet the needs of connection scenarios, Huawei has innovated on the optical and IP technology platforms to create a deterministic delay network.

Jin Yuzhi, president of Huawei's transmission and access product line, pointed out that humans are in an era of explosive growth in data, but only flowing data can generate value. The intelligent connection with deterministic experience provides a high-bandwidth and low-delay information superhighway for data flow, which is the main artery of industry intelligent entities.

Huawei's optical slicing based on LiquidOTN technology is a major breakthrough in deterministic networks after SDH. LiquidOTN innovates on the basis of inheriting the advantages of physical isolation of SDH hard pipelines, with two innovations of protocol simplification and architecture fusion. It reduces delay by 30% and can adjust the slice size from 2M to 100G in real-time according to the needs of the business without loss. It meets the needs of industry digital transformation and is the best choice for upgrading SDH networks in industries such as power and transportation while ensuring business deterministic experience.

In the field of intelligent IP, Huawei has innovated around SRv6 and launched the CloudWAN3.0 intelligent cloud network solution ahead of the industry. China Agricultural Bank is using innovative and leading SRv6 technology to achieve the best efficiency and performance for multi-cloud connection.

The park is the basic unit of the intelligent world. Huawei's headquarters in Shenzhen has created a smart cloud park that is cloud-based, intelligent, fully wireless, and fully optical. Through Wi-Fi6, employees can access the office anytime and anywhere. After accessing WeLink, they can use their mobile phones for real-time projection and translation without waiting for a computer to start. There is also 5G support for real-time transmission of 4K high-definition videos from drones, and employees can view the desired scene without waiting, ensuring the security management of the park.

Chen Banghua, president of Huawei's Enterprise BG Marketing and Enterprise Network Technology Sales, pointed out that as the basic unit of the intelligent world, the park has all the DNA of the future intelligent world. Looking to the future, the intelligent world includes more park scenarios. Based on more than 30 years of practical experience and technological accumulation, Huawei will create more scenario-based solutions to support the digital transformation of the park, enable business innovation, and truly realize "borderless, waiting-free, and danger-free" parks.

For example, Huawei's full-optical industrial network solution can reduce 40% of explosion-proof nodes in coal mine underground and achieve 0.5m efficient fault location capability, truly realizing safe production in mining parks. Huawei has also released the CloudCampus3.0 cloud park network solution.

For the intelligent entity, providing green energy and reducing energy consumption has become a key issue. "For many years, Huawei's digital energy has integrated power electronics technology and digital technology, continuously innovating and realizing green power generation and efficient energy use by managing bits to manage watts, making the intelligent world greener," said Zhou Taoyuan, president of Huawei's digital energy product line.

For example, in the Huanghe Dong'an Binhe New District in Ningxia Baofeng, Huawei participated in the construction of a 640MW photovoltaic power station that integrates internationally leading single-axis automatic tracking technology, allowing the solar panels to move towards the sun like sunflowers, and increase power generation by more than 20% compared to traditional photovoltaic power stations. It also carried out ecological management on 160,000 mu of desertified land, planted 100,000 mu of high-quality organic goji berries, realizing green development with "power generation on the board and goji berry planting under the board."

Huawei held the 2021 Huawei Industry Digital Transformation Conference from March 24th to 26th. This conference explored how to dig the power of "resilience" and "innovation" towards the digital world from the three dimensions of business, technology, and ecology. It included ideas on industry digital transformation, business strategy and talent ecology strategy that supports digital transformation, practices in industries such as government, transportation, finance, and energy, as well as the latest progress in connection, cloud, and AI. Learn more by clicking on https://e.huawei.com/en/events/industry-digital-transformation/2021.
